Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Horror Spot: Favorite Horror Movie

Typically, I enjoy the month of October not for the horror movies but for the candy. That's just me. I'm not much of a horror aficionado as my counterpart Jose Diaz is. I still enjoy them nonetheless, though quite honestly, some of them have scared the shit out of me over the years. 

One of my favorite horror series is the Saw Franchise. Now I myself consider Saw to be more of a thriller than a horror movie, but the original Saw movie turned out to be more horror than thriller. While the rest of the series got away from the scares and focused more on storytelling and traps, the original Saw set out to really scare people, and it worked in my case. The introduction of Billy the puppet who has been mic'd up and rigged to move and talk was insane. The crazy pig masked person who lure in the main characters of the film into the trap. And the ending that shocked everyone watching was scary in the sense that it was hard to see coming and scary at how smart that man was.

Honorable mention would be given to The Descent. I remember watching that movie about a year after Saw and thinking I couldn't be scared anymore with these kind of movies. The Descent proved me wrong, horribly. From the opening scene to everything in that damn cave, that movie caught me off guard and it's definitely one of the best horror movies of the last decade, in my opinion.

Lastly, one of my favorite horror movies of recent memory is Paranormal Activity 2. I enjoyed the first one for bringing back the found footage style of movie, and it definitely worked. Paranormal Activity 2 on the other hand really up'd the bar a bit in terms of full on scares. The classic slow build of the series that eventually leads into all out mayhem has really cemented it as a yearly movie to watch.

--Robert Acosta

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