Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fantasy Spot: Left 4 Dead

--Robert Acosta

Most of my friends know that when I talk video games, somewhere in that conversation i'll fit in some talk of my favorite video game series, Left 4 Dead. For those who have no idea what the hell a Left 4 Dead is, it's a survival/horror game, tremendously based on how you cooperate with your teammates to get out of a zombie apocalypse alive. It's no secret how much I love that game. No game has ever made an impact quite like Left 4 Dead, in terms of time spent playing, time spent with friends having a blast with it.

I'm not the only one. When the first L4D game hit, it became a sensation, seemingly overnight. And with that sudden success came talk of lots of things. New levels for the game. A sequel for the game. And a movie. This being The Movie Spot, what do you think i'm going to talk about?

I've talked about this with the friends and family that i've played the game with. We've always talked about who would play who, what would happen, all that business. Well the time for talk is over! Well, actually, it's just begun. I've got your cast for MY Left 4 Dead movie:

Rutger Hauer as Bill
Ron Perlman as Francis
Idris Elba as Louis
Ellen Page as Zoey

(Pictures Below)

Now, the only role I don't feel as confident with as the rest of them is the Zoey pick. Maybe Ellen Page would be the perfect role just cause she looks somewhat like Zoey and has the capability to be a kick ass zombie killing machine. Though I also considered Zooey Deschanel (based on looks) and Michelle Rodriguez (though she looks nothing like Zoey, she sure does kick ass).

It's also clear to see I would base the movie off of the original game, just cause the characters are A LOT more interesting.

Everyone else is just too perfect for the role. If you saw the movie Hobo with a Shotgun, you'd see why Rutger Hauer is the man for the Bill role. He's got the look and he can be the leader, all while naturally kicking ass. Ron Perlman is a gritty biker, it just fits him best. His work on Sons of Anarchy will attest to that. Plus, I can see him complain for everything, very much like Francis does in the game. As for Elba, if he were to shave his head and beard and pull out his American accent, he's the perfect Louis. A tremendous actor that can be the over the top kind of guy that Louis is.

The story...well...would be simple. You don't try and over-do a Left 4 Dead movie. You keep it simple. You give reasons as to why a zombie apocalypse has broken out, you give a reason as to how the 4 survivors have met up, and you let them get from point A (hell) to point b (serenity). Bring the special infected, maybe give reason as to why they are different from the rest, and make them bad ass. An action packed, survival/horror mo
vie is exactly what Left 4 Dead should be. Unfortunately, I doubt this movie will ever get made.

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