Monday, December 5, 2011

Supernatural - Small Screen Review

Supernatural - Small Screen Review

Episode Ten - "Death's Door"

Mid-Season Finale

Bobby spends the majority of the episode in a coma, making his way through a network of his own memories, while a reaper follows him in an attempt to secure Bobby's soul. Aided by a representation of his old friend Rufus, he learns that in order to break free of the dream state he must confront and relive his own worst experiences. It is revealed that shortly before he was forced to kill her, Bobby broke his wife's heart by refusing to have children, motivated by a fear of becoming like his own abusive father.

Bobby is determined to get a cryptic combination of numbers to Sam and Dean in the real world, and eventually confronts his memory of the night he, as a child, shot and killed his violent father. Telling the memory of his father that he ended up with two wonderful sons and that he did not allow the childhood abuse to ruin his life, he manages to emerge from his coma long enough to write the numbers on Sam's hand, upon which his heart stops. Inside Bobby's head, he relives one last memory of a night with Sam and Dean as the dream world around him fades away, and the reaper tells him to make a choice: to let his life go, or stay, and become a ghost. The reaper's watch ticks ominously as the screen cuts to black.

So we are then left with what would be Bobby’s fate until Supernatural returns in January. And it is episodes like this that makes Supernatural one of my favorites hands down. The emotion and sadness oozes through. Such a great and sad episode that makes me want to smack the writers for killing off Bobby, (Maybe killing off).

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