Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Revenge- Small Screen Review

Revenge- Small Screen Review

Episode Nine - "Suspicion"

Faux Amanda Clarke is given a new identity by Emily, but refuses to leave town. She starts a romance with Jack and tells him that she is his childhood friend when it is really Emily. Victoria pays Declan to not go out with her Charlotte anymore. He accepts, but Charlotte is in on the deal. Ashley walks in Tyler kissing Nolan. Conrad moves Lydia out of the house against Victoria's wishes.

Episode Ten - "Loyalty"

Emily questions Nolan's loyalty after finding out about his fling with Tyler. Conrad files papers divorcing Victoria. Jack and faux Amanda's relationship continues to blossom.

Last two episodes before the Winter Break/Winter Finale were so good. So many situations happening that both help and screw with Emily’s grand plan. Her Japanese mentor deserts her once it becomes clear that Emily is getting feelings for Daniel. He warns her that id she wants revenge she needs to cut all her ties and feelings because it will get in the way. But then on top of that Faux Amanda is trying to take over the real Amanda’s life. Falling for Jack. Then you have all the stuff going on with Victoria and her husbands divorce. And Nolan and Tyler screwing each other, both in bed and money/business wise. That you end up with a ticking bomb waiting to blow. Considering the preview we had for next episode, it seems that bomb, or gun, is going to go off.

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