Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Originals VS Remakes Horror Edition

Originals VS Remakes Horror Edition

So we now officially have remakes of pretty much all of the main horror icons of the 70’s and 80’s. To me the main three big bad horror icons are Freddy (Nightmare On Elm Street), Jason (Friday The 13th), and Michael Myers (Halloween). Since it is a couple weeks away I wanted to do an Halloween themed opinion piece on the original movies and the current updated remakes of these icons.

I am in the minority when I say this but I am very happy to see these horror icons coming back in new versions and in modern times. Yes most of the time the movies are awful and do not have the same impact and feel of the originals. But that is the whole point to a degree. If they were going to do a word for word, scene by scene remake they might as well release the original in theaters again and not bother making a new movie. I mean I don’t know about you but if you would see the original Nightmare on Elm Street movie now yes you would be happy and enjoy it but you would also notice that it is extremely dated. Most of these movie are over 20 years old. Do you think that such remembered and famous horror icons should be held back and not allowed to be reinvented, regardless of success would be a horrible thing to do? Cause I do.

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