Sunday, October 31, 2010

Horror Spot: Trick r Treat Review

Horror Spot: Trick R Treat DVD Review

by Jose

Four interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: An everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the one guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank; a woman who loathes the night has to contend with her holiday-obsessed husband.


Five interwoven stories that occur on the same night. A couple finds what happens when they blow a jack o' lantern out before midnight, a high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer, a college virgin might have met the right guy for her, a group of mean teens play a prank that they take too far, and a hermit is visited by a special trick or treater.


So finally this damn movie was released. Straight to DVD but at least it was released. I personally have been waiting to see Trick 'r Treat ever since it was announced a year or so ago. But due to studio shenanigans it was delayed and delayed. Given a release date then delayed some more. I guess since it was something new and not a remake or sequel the studio decided it won't make money. Yet you constantly see utter shit being released in theaters. But that is for another day. On to the movie.

It was well worth the wait. Trick 'r Treat is hands down one of the best Halloween inspired movies I have seen. Notice I didn't say best horror or best movie. I know how people get when you say certain things. Back to the movie. When I think of Halloween I think of candy, jack o lanterns, ghosts, witches, zombies, vampires, werewolves, ghouls, freaks, crazy maniacs, and that one neighbor who hates everything. That is Halloween right? Well you get all that and some more with Trick 'r Treat. From the beginning to end it's non stop fun and scares.

Trick ‘r Treat obviously takes place during a Halloween night. With the movie being an anthology. Where we have different stories taking place with different characters that all in someway or another interact with each other. To me it was a great way to showcase many characters and themes in one movie. Just like Tales of the Darkside, Creepshow, and Campfire Tales. I don't want to spoil the movie too much so if you don't want to know certain things then look away.

The sack-head kid is great and creepy as this Halloween ghoul that you see everywhere and basically carries the movie. The zombie children at the rock quarry lake are terrifying. The werewolf girls are freaking great. I loved how there transformation was done. Very similar to how werewolves turn in the Hellboy comics. With the skin being cut and ripped off to reveal the werewolf inside. Oh and for your True Blood fans Anna Paquin is a hottie in her Red Riding Hood costume and as one of the she-wolfs.

Final thought:

I highly suggest that every fan of Halloween or a fan of the mentioned classic horror anthologies pick up a copy and enjoy what I believe is a true Halloween movie. Oh if anyone has Halloween movie parties definitely include Trick r' Treat.

Rating: 5 out of 5

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