Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Spot News: MODOK vs. Captain America?

                                     By: Robert Acosta

This summer, Captain America released to some really positive reviews, a lot of rave reviews, good box office numbers, the whole nine. Marvel loves to think ahead, and while they may be thinking a small bit ahead, the writer of Captain America has an idea for the sequel.

His idea: Let's throw MODOK into the situation. Better yet, he's already got a man in mind for the part of MODOK. Peter Dinklage. I'll admit, I really had to think back hard to remember who in the hell Peter Dinklage is. Well, it shouldn't be too hard. He's the small guy (midget) from Death at a Funeral, ELF and 1 episode of Entourage.

Now, I like that idea. It's bold and it's a villain i'd like to see come to life. But, I also wonder. I wonder, very much like the source of this news bit argues, where does the time frame of this sequel even take place and will it effect what villain they get for this sequel? If you've seen Captain America, or the teaser for the Avengers, we're in modern day. Not the 1940s as most of Captain America's movie takes place in. There's a lot of time between now and Captain America 2, so i'm sure all will be sorted out.

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