Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Editorial/The Spot News: Superman Where Are Your Under Pants?

Editorial/The Spot News: Superman Where Are Your Under Pants?

New photos from the Illinois set of Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel confirm that Henry Cavill isn’t wearing the traditional red trunks, provide a first look at Antje Traue as the Kryptonian criminal Faora, and introduce a mysterious figure into the mix.

Well these photos confirm that the new reboot/relaunch/renumbering of DC Comics will affect the new Superman movie.

If you haven't heard DC Comics are "rebooting" their universe completely. All starting with new #1's and messing around with what came before and tweaking origins to a degree. Also new costumes. Well one of those changes comes from the removal of the iconic red trunks of Superman. Now it is just straight blue with red accents/boots and the shield. And it seems the movie will follow along with this experiment from WB/DC Comics.

Personally I don't like it. Movie viewers are not comic readers and those that are readers do not make the majority of viewers going to see the movie. You have regular people who are familiar with the original look with the red undies. Change it for the sake of matching the book and you will anger some people, especially non-comic fans. I mean if they didn't go for the comic look for Green Lantern or for Batman why then follow the comics now for Superman?

It doesn't make much sense to me (movie wise) to do this. If all I knew of Superman was the Christopher Reeves movies and the cartoons, the Bryan Singer movie, and other non-comic images. After seeing this I would be kind of angry or upset that they changed it.

Plus this is coming from a comic book fan. Changes happen. Things in comics don't work in real live action movies sometimes. But keep the iconic look and feel of the characters. I know they changed costumes for X-Men, but would you have taken it seriously if they ran out in brightly colored spandex suits?

Superman is known more for his look than for who he is. The same for Captain America, Spider-Man, Batman, and a couple of others. And changing that look just makes me feel like I lost an icon just to fit into what a corporate company wants to shove in our faces. So screw you WB and screw you DC Comics for taking away Superman's red underwear.

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