Friday, September 30, 2011

Supernatural - Small Screen Review

Supernatural - Small Screen Review Cast:

Jared Padalecki ( Sam Winchester ), Jensen Ackles ( Dean Winchester ), Jim Beaver
( Bobby Singer ), Misha Collins ( Castiel )

Episode One:

So as last season ended with Castiel absorbing all those souls and becoming in essence the new god. We open with Castiel demanding to be loved and worshipped by the Winchester brothers and Bobby. He tells them to don’t bother fighting him because it will be useless. He then goes off leaving the guys wondering what to do. Basically giving up and watching over a breaking Sam the trio go about there business and carefully try to figure how to stop the god like Castiel. While that is happening Castiel is going around and smiting and killing off all that he deems wrong and evil. But we slowly see that his angelic body can’t handle the strain and power and it seems something is trying to get out or take control. Soon the boys find a way to stop Castiel, which entails binding Death himself to reap Castiel.

Soon after summoning Death; Sam, Dean, and Bobby get into a situation that is way above their heads. Death even reveals that Sam’s physic wall is crumbling and he is suffering from hallucinations. Castiel frees Death and leaves. Death then reveals that they need to get Castiel to return the souls to Purgatory that night before the souls of the leviathans take control or get out and wreck havoc on earth again. They manage to get Castiel to return the souls. But the fractured Sam sees Lucifer who tells him that he can’t trust anything or anyone. Sam believes him, like an idiot and disappears. So after return the souls Castiel heals himself and all seems well until something happens and he reveals that the leviathans held on and are now fighting to take over his body. They do and the episode ends.

Can’t freaking wait until this weeks episode! What will the leviathans do now? Where is Sam? Is Lucifer really there and trying to take over Sam again?

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