Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Spot News: Avengers Film Getting Another Possible Villain

The Spot News: Avengers Film Getting Another Possible Villain

This past Friday a few bits of news started making the rounds on the villain or villains of the upcoming Avengers movie from Marvel. First we heard that Hulk would be the bad guy then we have Loki. Then that evolved into Loki and Skrulls and the Kree. Then just the Skrulls an Kree. Now it has went back to just Loki and the Cosmic Cube along with the Skrulls. Then on Friday rumors started that the Infinity Gauntlet, that was briefly shown in Odin's weapons vault in the Thor movie, would be making an appearance and would have a familiar wearer in The Avengers: its creator Thanos, the Death-obsessed Eternal bent on genocide and galactic conquest.
So right now the villain rumors have Loki with the Cosmic Cube, Skrulls, and now Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet.

Officially, it is just Loki facing off against the Avengers.

I could possibly see having Thanos pop up at the end credits scene getting back the Infinity Gauntlet setting up a second Avengers movie. But throwing him in with that much power along with Loki and the power of the Cosmic Cube and Skrulls on top of all that seems way too much. Especially when we have Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, etc fighting for screen time.
I say keep it simple. Loki with the Cosmic Cube with the Skrulls. Causing havoc. Since the Skrulls are involved, thrown in Captain Marvel to help out the Avengers. End credits show Thanos getting back the Infinity Gauntlet.


  1. Absolutely agree....but they should throw in some minor villains such as whirlwind, the wreckers, and or even the masters of evil!

  2. That's not a bad idea at all but since a lot of movies have somewhat taken that route, it would be nice to just see villains that, generally speaking, people want to see.
