Monday, May 2, 2011

The Movie Spot May Movie Releases: Jose Edition

The Movie Spot May Movie Releases: Jose Edition

Before I get into the movies of May I wanted to address something that I have been hearing about another movie. Fast Five has been giving a title of the “first Summer blockbuster movie”. How exactly? I have been watching movies for years and years and it has always been common knowledge that May, either beginning/middle/end, is the “official” start of the Summer movie season. Not the end of April and not the fifth installment of a movie about cars and car chases. I am not bashing Fast Five out right and calling it a terrible movie, I just feel like people and reviewers are jumping the gun. Enough of that lets get back to May and the real “official” start of the Summer Movie Season.

We start of with a bang or should I say bolt as in lightning bolt. Thor is released this Friday, May 6th. The first in the line in Marvels releases leading to the Avengers Movie. Thor brings with it the start of what I consider a heavy barrage of blockbuster movies this Summer. I am so looking forward to Thor for quite sometime and hope that it lives up to the name. Also this week we have some movies on the other side of the spectrum in Something Borrowed, which honestly doesn’t come off as a good romantic comedy to tell you the truth. Jumping the Broom and a limited release in The Beaver starring Mel Gibson and a Beaver hand puppet. The Beaver looks like it might be a decent movie but I wonder if Mel Gibson and his problems will hurt it in the long run.

May 13th sees the release of Priest based on a manga/graphic novel. I should really say we FINALLY get to see a release date for this movie. This should have been released ages ago and that long wait might end up hurting it regardless of how much of a popcorn movie it is. Bridesmaids seems to be riding the Hangerover coat tails but seems to bring it’s own style to the show and may actually be pretty damn funny. And also Hesher starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Enough said I will see it just for him.

So a week breather before the fourth movie in the Pirates of The Caribbean franchise is released on May 20th. The movie seems to be bringing back the feel and tone of the very first movie and that is a very good thing. It looks like it will be a fun ride and a hell of a great time with Jack Sparrow and company.

May 20th brings another squeal or should I say a couple of two’s. Kung Fu Panda 2 and The Hangerover 2 are coming at us. Both delivering comedy but in two very different forms. Panda in a cartoon comedy and Hangover in a rated R blast of drunkenness. Both movies will be great and I can’t wait to laugh my ass off that weekend.
I feel that the box office numbers this month are going to be insane and that we will have a battle for the number one spot as well. Thor, Pirates, Kung Fu, and Hangover let the battle begin!

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