Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Spot News: Guess what you'll be seeing next Halloween..

By: Robert Acosta

Where one horror franchise "ends" another continues right where the other left off. Confused? I shall explain.

The Saw franchise is seemingly over, for legacy sake let's hope it really is. So since were not having an annual Saw movie every Halloween, Paranormal Activity looks to fill the void.

That's right, Paranormal Activity 3 is on the way and set for Halloween 2011.

It doesn't surprise me that it is coming, i'm just not entirely excited. I was a big Saw fan, and I loved every movie of the series, against everyones dismay and distain for the series. This on the other hand, has me on the distain side.

I'll admit, I was a big fan of the first 2 Paranormal Activities. The first one scared the living hell out of me while the 2nd one took what the first one did and executed it much better. What's the third one gonna do? I may be spoiling the 2nd movie so for those who haven't seen Paranormal Activity 2, STOP READING NOW.

What are they honesty going to do? They did the demon haunting someone in the first part and they explained it even more in the 2nd part by essentially turning it into a prequel and explaining how Katie, from the first film, got the demon in the first place. So the third part is what? Unless it's a completely new scenario, I don't see how they could honestly get anymore out of the original story.

Whatever the case, why not quit while your ahead? Take the massive amount of profit you received from both films and go make an original idea that will actually make horror fans happy.

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