Tuesday, August 3, 2010

DVD Review Jennifer’s Body

DVD Review Jennifer’s Body

By Jose


A newly possessed cheerleader turns into a killer who specializes in offing her male classmates. Can her best friend put an end to the horror?


At the time of the release of the movie Megan Fox was the hottest “actress” and supposedly a money maker. So here she is starring as the title character of a movie that seemed built around how hot Megan Fox is. Or use to depending if you seen her recent pictures where she looks like a plastic doll. The movie was released during August-”dump month” and did not do too well. Yet I found it rather amusing and a bit of a fresh take on the horror/ horror-comedy genre.

I am not going to detail everything about Jennifer’s Body I want to get into what I felt made this movie work for me and the things that made me think twice on watching this again. The movie basically goes like this : Nerdy, reserved bookworm Needy and arrogant, conceited cheerleader Jennifer are best friends, though they share little in common. They share even less in common when Jennifer mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood after a disastrous fire at a local bar. As Needy's male classmates are steadily killed off in gruesome attacks, the young girl must uncover the truth behind her friend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches her own boyfriend Chip.

I seriously loved the beginning when Needy (Amanda Seyfried) is in a mental hospital and she kicks one of the nurses clear across a table onto other patients. You have to see it. It is so hilarious. But forward a bit and we come to the bar scene where Low Shoulder (lead singer played by Adam Brody), a indy band form New York, plays at the local bar in Devil’s Kettle. So Jennifer makes Needy go with her to see them and then a random fire breaks out and pretty much kills the majority of the people at the bar except for the two main characters and the band which mysteriously disappears and reappears outside in the van with all there equipment and drinks. How the hell that happened I don’t know I stood trying to figure it out for a bit and realized that it was probably better to just ignore it. So Jennifer ends up with the band in there van while Needy ends up home. Then a bloodied and beaten Jennifer shows up out of the blue and acts crazy and vomit’s a thick, black goo all over the floor. So now here is when things start going crazy.

The rest of the movie we have Jennifer eating a few guys here and there one played by Kyle Gallner as Colin Gray. I have not idea why but everything I have seen this kid in be it movies or shows I like him. He just stands out in a good way. But then Jennifer has her sights on Needy’s boyfriend Chip. Now Needy is worried that he will be eaten and that she might have to end up killing her best friend. Well Jennifer does end up killing Chip and Needy has to kill her. Needy ends up fighting in middle air above Jennifer’s bed and suffers a bite. Needy ends up killing her but gets caught by Jennifer’s mother and ends up where the movie began in the mental hospital. But she is not the same. Seems that when you are bitten by a demon you can be possessed by it. So now Needy is possessed and escapes the hospital. During the credits when are treated to Needy finding and killing all the members of the band Low Shoulder. The ones who took her best friend, boyfriend, and life away from her. It was a good ending.

Final Thoughts:

Overall the movie was good. It wasn’t a great horror movie but it was a watch-able film. Yes something’s were off here and there. Dialogue was corny at times. The acting was dumb and down right amateurish. But you could look past that and enjoy it for what Jennifer’s Body was and that was something different. A risk taken to do something fresh and new. Also the song “Through the Trees” was addicting. By the end of the movie you would be singing along.

Ratings: 3 out of 5

This is a red band trailer NSFW watch with caution

Jennifer's Body - Red Band Trailer
Uploaded by dreadcentral. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

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