Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Spot News: Uncharted movie, still on?

By: Robert Acosta

Towards the end of 2010, we got word that Mark Wahlberg would be starring as Nathan Drake, the main character of the Uncharted video game trilogy(or soon to be trilogy). With that news came a lot of uproar against Wahlberg for many reasons, valid and invalid.

Since then, things have gotten quiet on this project. You haven't heard a solid plan about who is writing the script or whose direction or who else is going to be in this film. And with that news came the presumption that the idea was scrapped and a sigh of relief would take place.

Hold that thought, and breath.

It looks like the idea, that was really never off, is back on! In an interview with Moviehole, Mark Wahlberg says "David O’Russell is writing right now and hopes to direct. It’s myself, Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro and hopefully going to shoot it in the Summer time."

If you ask me, that cast, if true, sounds pretty credible. A lot of people didn't like the Wahlberg pick and have called for actor Nathan Fillion to be cast. That didn't happen. So you gotta take what they give you and hope for the best. Then you have legends Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro. 

I've played very little of this game series, i'm working on my PS3 situation as we speak, and i'll say this. If the movie can match the intensity and great story telling that the Uncharted series has, the movie is going to be great.

Source: Moviehole

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