Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Secret Circle - Small Screen Review

The Secret Circle - Small Screen Review

Episode 8 Review - “Beneath”

Cassie worries for her grandmother after not hearing from her for few days. Diana decides the entire Circle should help with the search in case Jane is in trouble. The search takes them to the home of Faye's grandfather Henry Chamberlain, who they do not know was killed earlier. The whole circle including Jake, stay the night due to the storm. They drink and have some fun. Faye starts having hallucinations. It escalates when she sees a little girl. During a game of truth or dare, tension rises from everyone and they break off.

After Faye storms out of the house, she sees a little girl again and chases after her. Cassie comes outside to search for Faye and she sees the little girl and follows her too. Soon finding Faye. The group ends up at the dock, stopping Faye from heading into the water looking for the girl who it turns out is the young version of Faye herself. Cassie then sees the girl at the end of the dock and goes to the little girl and finds Henry's body in the water. After the police come they all head home. Cassie tells her grandmother about what happened and tells her that she found her scarf. Yet due to some magic mind wiping she doesn’t remember and says something entirely different. Confusing herself and Cassie.

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