Thursday, June 17, 2010

Get Him to the Greek Review

By: Robert Acosta
Jonah Hill as Aaron Green
Russell Brand as Aldous Snow
P Diddy as Sergio Roma
Elisabeth Moss as Daphne Binks

Plot: 10 years after Aldous Snow's famous concert at the Greek theater, a record company is called upon to escort Snow to the theater for the concert.

Review: My first impression of the movie, right around the time this movie was being rumored, I thought that it wouldn't work. Taking two characters from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, one with somewhat of a big role(Aldous Snow played by Russell Brand), the other not so much and putting them in their own film. Of course, both Jonah Hill and Russell Brand have both been in their own movies, but never fully starred in movies.

With all that said, the movie turned out to be better than expected. They both have some obvious good chemistry because they've worked together before and it's pretty clear. The scenes they have together are pretty funny and very fluid and for the most part, the best scenes in the film. The supporting actors in the movie aren't bad either and range from the highly famous P Diddy, who plays Aaron Green's boss, to the virtually unknown Elisabeth Moss who plays Aaron Green's girlfriend. They all did a good job of providing some small laughs, though Diddy did seem a bit unnatural but that is to be expected. He's obviously not an actor, has done a little bit in his long career but his delivery of lines isn't as smooth as an actors is. Just a side note, not something that really hindered the movie.

The range of comedy in this movie is large. Large in the sense that it could have you not laughing at all to laughing embarassing loud. If you've got a real silly sense of humor then this is definitely the movie for you. If you're into the "smart" type of comedy like Saturday Night Live or things of that nature, then don't waste your time with this movie. Fans of Forgetting Sarah Marshall or really any of Judd Apatow's productions should definitely check this out.

Soundtrack is somewhat important in this movie, I know I don't say that much. The soundtrack is pretty funny. Also something I don't say a lot. If you listen closely to the lyrics, of course you'll catch some sexual innuendos or some sort of disease reference and it not only leads to laughs but some pretty catchy tunes. Even the soundtrack may be worth picking up after seeing this movie.

One thing that was told to me after seeing this movie by a friend was "You don't really go to the movies to see real life situations being taken care of how they would be in the real world." That point is even more emphasized in this movie. Certain things really won't make sense and you'll probably say to yourself, " that's not how things would have gone down in the real world." Some things just seemed to happen without any explanation as to why they were happening. I know it's a comedy and all but there has to be some sort of purpose for getting into a threesome other than just "wanting" to get into one.

Overall, the movie is much funnier than I thought. You watch the trailer and see some funny moments but the real gist of the comedy is found in parts not shown in the trailer. Now these parts may have you chuckle or may have you laugh out loud. This isn't The Hangover which for the most part has been widely accepted as hilarious. Nonetheless, if you're looking for some good laughs, Get Him to the Greek is the movie to see.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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