Friday, March 12, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Review

By: Robert Acosta

Plot: A teenage woman, Alice, returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny: to end the Red Queen's reign of terror.

Review: I have to admit, i've never read the Alice in Wonderland story before, just never really cared about it. So when I heard a movie was to be made about it, I wasn't excited in the least bit or even remotely interested. I had heard Johhny Depp attached to the movie and that got me a bit interested, I think he's a good actor and fun to watch. I have to say, I was completely surprised and pleased with Alice In Wonderland.

Visually the movie is just stunning, it helps that you can also catch the movie in 3d. From beginning to end, you're drawn in and amazed with the visuals. Though, one of the sights that isn't exactly stunning is Johhny Depp as The Mad Hatter. Depp has played some pretty crazy and weird characters over the years, Jack Sparrow, Willy Wonka, Mad Hatter, the list goes on and on. Out of all the characters he's played, I was actually a bit frightened by the Mad Hatter. He just looks scary and weird and completely out of his mind and of course, Depp's natural ability to get into a character makes him even weirder.

One of the things that makes this movie very fun to watch are the characters and all the different styles they bring. The crazy Mad Hatter, the big headed Red Queen, the sweet White Queen, the cunning Chesire Cat, the wise Blue Catepillar, the Brave Dormouse, the charming yet dumb tweedledee and tweedledum. They all bring something different to the film, it all blends together and it becomes entertaining to watch.

The big theme that I caught in the movie was acceptance. Alice in the real world was looked at as weird and noone seemed really interested in her besides her father. But in Wonderland, she's just one of them. Now everyone at one point in life or another, has felt this feeling before. Being called "weird" because you didn't fit in with what other people were doing. That's what makes a movie great, tackling a topic that everyone can relate with and tell a good, light-hearted story about it.

I can't honestly express how surprised I was at how great Alice In Wonderland really is. It's one of those movies that anyone, young or old, can relate to and learn from. I can't really seem to find any flaws with the movie, which is rare. Tim Burton, director of the movie, has been known to put together really creative, imaginative stories and films altogether. Some have been hit or miss, most have been, at the very least, entertaining. Alice in Wonderland is just gold.

Rating: 4.5 Out of 5

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