Supernatural - Small Screen Review
Episode 14 - "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie"
Sam and Dean investigate strange happenings in a town where childhood fears are coming to life. To Sam's horror his childhood fear of clowns manifests in a very violent and traumatic way which in turn leads to Dean's childhood fear, losing his brother.
Episode 15 - "Repo Man”
Four years ago, Sam and Dean helped a woman named Nora (guest star Nicole Oliver) exorcise a demon that was systematically killing women in a small town. They managed to save the postal worker, Jeffrey (guest star Russell Sams), while vanquishing the demon. However, the return of the same M.O. of killings prompts the brothers to return to town to determine if the demon has returned. While investigating the murders, the brothers visit Jeffrey, whose life had taken a tailspin into a psych ward, though he is now in a halfway house under guardianship. Jeffrey remembers a list of women whom the demon decided to kill, and Dean leaves to find the demon's hideout, while Sam tries to keep an eye on the next victim. However, Sam starts to see Lucifer (guest star Mark Pellegrino) again and continues to mock Sam, complaining about boredom and causing terrifying illusions to get Sam to talk to him. Dean and Jeffrey end up finding the demon's old hideout, as well as Nora's son, who is being held captive. It is revealed that Jeffrey, having harbored a serial killer nature, desperately wishes to reunite with the demon who possessed him so as to continue killing and becoming even more powerful, and required Dean's blood for the power summoning spell. Sam, eventually accepting Lucifer's help, finds this out by threatening Nora, who was forced to help Jeffrey when she learned her son was kidnapped. Jeffrey is successful in summoning the demon, though it chooses to possess Nora's son, stating that it succeeded in turning Jeffrey into a killer, and Jeffrey did not need him anymore. Sam intervenes and manages to trick the demon into stepping into a Devil's trap, while Dean kills Jeffrey, who was intending to stab the demon. Nora exorcises the demon from her son and the brothers return to the motel to rest. However, Lucifer appears again, and begins to force Sam to hallucinate hellfire, stating that by letting him help Sam, Lucifer now has a much firmer grip on Sam's mind.
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