Monday, April 19, 2010

Kick-Ass Review

By: Robert Acosta

Plot: Dave Lizewski, a geeky high school student, decides to become a super hero after reading comic books and realizing that no one in real life really tries to be a superhero.

Review: I hate to sound redundant or anything like that but Kick-Ass is kick ass. Now you could take my word for it and I could end the review right here and go see it. But that wouldn't be professional of me now would it? Didn't think so.

It's hard to point out just one thing that made Kick-Ass so fun to watch. In every sense, it's just an underdog, geeky, superhero comedy movie that doesn't take itself seriously. It delivers all the action of any other superhero, even more so it delivers bloody action which isn't exactly typical from a comic book movie.
All the characters bring something unique to the table and when blended together makes the movie really go. Kick-ass is a geeky superhero, not too many fighting skills but has bravery on his side. Hit-Girl is a young girl who has tremendous fighting skills, tremendous bravery and seemingly grew up in a different environment than most, if not all, girls her age. Big daddy, the father of Hit-Girl, is out for revenge against a mob leader, Frank D'Amico and uses being a superhero as a way to get to him. Finally, there is Red Mist, the son of Frank D'Amico, only wants to be apart of his fathers business uses being a superhero to get on his fathers good side. Different personalities, different reasons as to why they became a superhero. Altogether, Kick-Ass is about the characters.

One character inparticular, Hit-Girl, has been pretty controversial and I won't hold back on my opinion either. As I alluded to earlier, Hit-Girl is not even a teenager, and grew up under different circumstances than most girls her age. A lot of people who saw the movie complained about how she cursed up a storm, how she was unfazed by killing a countless number of men and etc. What people fail to understand, and it is a simple concept really, is that it is just a movie. More so, a movie based off of a comic book. So with that said, the movie is fictional. They could have gone anywhere with the movie, while still having respect for the comic book. People need to open their eyes up and just watch these movies for what they are. If you have kids and don't want them to be influenced by this, then don't take them to see the movie. Really simple.

Anyway, back to the review.

Kick-Ass is R rated so expect to see some blood and the deaths to be gory. This is how most comic book movies should really be like. R rated, tell the story the way it was meant to be told and make it interesting and not limit things.

The last thing I want to touch on is the soundtrack. I mostly don't mind what music is played during a movie, so long as it fits. This soundtrack however, pops out at you. Some nice "heroic" music during the fighting scenes or scenes that include Kick-Ass, and then some good songs for transitions and what not.

Overall, I can't find a reason to even come close to disliking the movie. It should appeal to every type of movie lover. Some comedy, lots of action, a good story, good characters, lots of blood. I may end up watching this movie again before this month is over, this is a must see.

Rating: 5 Out of 5.

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