Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Book Of Eli Review

Plot: In the not too distant future, across the wasteland of what once was America, a lone warrior (Denzel Washington) must fight to bring civilization the knowledge that could be the key to its redemption and save the future of humanity.

Review: The post apocalyptic genre of movies are not going away any time soon.

To start off, the tone set in the beginning of the film is fantastic, very dull yet beautiful in the sense that portrays the world after an apocalypse and rebuilding. Both the tone of the world and Washington's character sets up the viewer for what is to come. The action scenes are intense and very fun to watch, sometimes a little unbelievable but still very fun to watch. I say unbelievable because there really is no background given on Washington's character, you begin to question who was this guy before the apocalypse.

Washington was truly a pleasure to watch in this film, from his witty comebacks to his overall body language. Also, having some bad-ass fighting scenes can't hurt. The addition of Gary Oldman made this movie even better to watch, the back and forth dialogue between Washington and Oldman was pleasing. I may be a little biased because i am a big fan of Oldman but he puts on a great performance and represents a power hungry man very well. Having the stunning Mila Kunis in the film can't hurt either. Granted, she did not put on a great performance, it was not a bad one. Nothing stood out to me from her, she just played her role, which sounds pretty dull.

The story was very intriguing and fun to watch and it's also a very religious one. Both Washington's and Oldman's characters have a strong belief in god and they both want to use that belief in two different ways. The story did feature a couple of plot holes, if they are even considered that. The twist at the end was believable and actually pretty clever but certainly questions of how it all makes sense will pop up, you will try to remember certain instances and piece things together. One situation that Kunis' character is put in and seemingly gets out of with no problem or no explanation of how she got out of it is a little mind boggling.

Overall, The Book of Eli was fun to watch and much better than expected. I can say that I was more than content with the film and never felt bored at any point in time of the film. All of the characters had life to them and were not boring to watch, especially Washingtons and Oldmans. Once again, The Book of Eli is proving that this January has turned out to be a much more exciting month of movies than previous ones.

Rating: 4 out of 5

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